Business economist, born in Brescia but living in Milan, international for culture and activity. Born in 1935, he is married with Mimma, Tuscan, and has two sons Luca and Nicola. Good mountain climbers, skier and traveler, he climbed the Alaska mountains (McKinley), the Bolivia mountains (Ancohuma – Illampu), the China mountains (Minya Konga in the Sichuan Alps); and was member of expedition to Karakorum (Broad Peak); and to the Ande Argentine (Fitz Roy and Cerro Torre). He has climbed and skied in Island, Patagonia, Pakistan and India. He has covered great part of Italy by bicycle, “a good way to observe the Italian economy as it really is and not as people say to be”.
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In Italy his strong link is with the mountains of “Alpine Group Ortles – Cevedale that, starting from his refuge in Valfurva, has covered meter by meter, in every season and with all means, strongly excluded engine equipments. But he has also covered great part of Sicily, of which is a deep knower, starting from his house in Egadi Isles, that he attends since 40 years.
During the free time leaved by these activities, he has done professional tasks, in the different field of the business economy, where the fundamental leit-motif has always been innovation, new frontiers, restyling of Italian economy. Degree in Public Finance at Pavia University after four �yearly scholarship by Ghislieri College.
Manager and very young partner of Arthur Andersen & Co, he has spent the central years of his training, from 1962 to 1979, inside the American and international business and professional world.
He specializes in financial statements analysis, corporate planning problems and M&A activity. Developing consulting activity for important national and international groups he obtains significant professional recognitions and a large international experience, becoming one of the leader in the introduction and development of financial statements certification in Italy.
On 1979 he leaves Arthur Andersen to found his private consulting firm , the company Vitale Novello & Co. Srl , of which he has always been the President and the principal promoter. He is consultant and organizer for middle-high family groups, that he help in evolving as important international groups, without changing their basic family nature.
For some of these he has been also member of the board of directors or President. Among all : Same Deutz Fahr Group, tractors; Recordati , pharmaceutical group (quoted at the Milan Stock Exchange); Smeg household appliances; LU-VE heat exchanger; Ermenegildo Zegna, textile and clothing industry; Vincenzo Zucchi, home linen (quoted at the Milan Stock Exchange).
He has been president from March 2010 till July 2013 of Fondo Italiano d�Investimento, constituted by the Treasure Ministry, Confindustria, ABI, Banca Intesa, Unicredit, Monte Paschi, Crediop and some popular banks.
Promoter and first president, from 1984 till 1992, of Arca Group, constituted by and important group of regional banks, he was very active in promoting the introduction and development of investment funds and merchant banking activity in Italy. In 1986 he was appointed President of A.I.F.I., Association of the Italian Merchant Banks, which he contributes to create and for which he remains president for 16 years. He was vice president and member of the board and of the Executive Committee of Banca Popolare of Milan (BPM) from 2001 till 2009 and was Chairman of Bipiemme Gestioni SGR, the Asset Management company of BPM Group, he is member of the board of Banca Passadore.
The teaching activity has always been generous. He has leaded innovative courses on business strategy at Pavia University, Bocconi University (Milan), ISTAO of Ancona, post-degree management school and LIUC “Libero Istituto Universitario Carlo Cattaneo” a private University for which he has been the principal promoter, co-partner, leader and vice-president. He has been president of Istud Foundation for the management culture, which he also contributed to relaunch.
In the last years he specialized in the development of business methods and values for the administration of Municipalities and in the South Italy, where his most important tasks have been those of President of the New Terminal Container Hub of Gioia Tauro, where “he took advantage to walk on the Calabrian wonderful mountains”, and of member of the board of directors of the Society for the Development of new young enterprise in the South Italy (IG).
From March 2010 to June 2013 he has been nominated by the President of the Council, Special Commissary for the co-ordination and management of the Private Funds of Missione Arcobaleno in favor of Kosovo refugees, experience which has opened him the world of the Italian and international ONG and has given him the possibility to create a microcredit fund with Prof. Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank and Peace Nobel, of which he has become good friend.
Catholic, liberal, studious of Church Social Encyclicals, he engages himself also on the public sector: president of Ferrovie Nord Milano, city council responsible for the Milan municipal Budget and economic policy; sole Trustee of Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico of Milan, consultant of various Municipalities for privatization and development of territorial strategic plans. Also in this field he tries to introduce professional and business values and methods, receiving back a lot of disappointments but also some significant realization.
He was member of the European Federalist Movement, from 1955, and is member of the Board of Olivetti Foundation and of FAI Foundation (Italian Environment Fund). He is vice president of International Study Centre Luigi Sturzo and president of Rino Snaidero Scientific Foundation. He has been president of Orchestra and Coro Sinfonico Giuseppe Verdi of Milan. In 2014 he has been appointed, directly from Brescia Council, member of the Board of Brescia Musei.
He contributes to leading newspapers and business magazine and he is Author of several publications on management matters like: La riforma delle Società per Azioni, Giuffrè, 1975; La lunga marcia verso il capitalismo democratico, Il Sole 24 Ore, 1989; Le Encicliche sociali, il rapporto tra Chiesa ed Economia, Il Sole 24 Ore, 1991; Liberare l’economia, le privatizzazioni come terapia alla crisi italiana, I grilli - Marsilio, 1993; Sviluppo e Spirito d’Impresa, Il Veltro Editrice, 2001; America, punto e a capo. Una lettura non conformista della crisi dei mercati mobiliari, Libri Scheiwiller, 2002; Fenomeno Chievo. Economia, costume, società. Una squadra di quartiere contro il calcio miliardario, Libri Scheiwiller, 2002; Il mito Alfa, Egea, 2004; Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli. La perfezione si fa musica, Castelli Bolis Poligrafiche, 2005; Lezioni di Impresa da tempi e luoghi diversi, Piccola Biblioteca di Impresa Inaz, 2008; I proverbi di Calatafimi. Antichi e modernissimi: punti di vista inusuali sui grandi temi dell’Impresa, Piccola Biblioteca di Impresa Inaz, 2008; Viaggio nell'economia campana, Ed. Giunta, 2008; Gli angeli nella città, Edizioni Studio Domenicano, 2008; E' in sostanza un problema di libertà - Vita e ideali di don Luigi Sturzo, Edizioni Studio Domenicano, 2009; Passaggio al futuro - Oltre la crisi attraverso la crisi, EGEA, 2010; Corruzione, Edizioni Studio Domenicano, 2010; Responsabilità nell'Impresa, Piccola Biblioteca d'Impresa Inaz, 2010; Longevità, Edizioni Studio Domenicano, 2011.